- Released our Google Workspaces add-on
- Updated our onboarding flow
- Created new subscription plans (including a free plan)
- Added ability for users on our Teams subscription to upload CSV data
- Fixed additional usability bugs
- Fixed responsive issues with our chart library
- made the web application more performant
- Fixed some issues with our team functionality
- Added ConstantContact as an available data source
- Added ActiveCampaign as an available data source
- renamed "clients" to "workspaces"
- fixed an issue with PDF margins
- Updated the UX of the social posts section
- Fixed a bug with our donut chart
- Fixed a bug with Google Ads data source
- Added clearer error state for integration connection issues
- Updated our navigation to make is easier for users to jump between Data Sources, Analytics, and Reports
- Fixed bugs with our report creation engine
- Added a new LinkedIn Performance Report template
- Revamped our Data Sources UX to make it easier to connect new platforms to Sparrow
- Updated our Reports UX to make it easier to find templates and create new reports
- Converted our Charts into a standalone chart library
- Created charts.sparrowcharts.com to showcase our chart library
- Added support for demographic data in our Sparrow templates
- Added support for Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, and MailChimp 🎉
- Report editor feature in live beta
- Added new Funnel Dashboard available to all users
- chart bug fixes
- Support for live dashboards/reports (they will always have the latest data)
- Support for web-based presentations
- Support for multiple report templates
- New Sparrow Query Language for dynamically adding data to templates
- New onboarding flow
- Ability to upvote on upcoming integrations
- Added timezone support to enable data visualization for any timezone
- Significant backend restructure to support increase in user traffic
- Support for exporting reports as PowerPoint presentations
- Added support for YouTube
- Added team functionality and role-based permissions
- Added support for LinkedIn pages
- Added reporting capabilities for Twitter and LinkedIn pages
- Added ability to pull data from public twitter accounts (social listening/monitoring)
- New UX!
- Added in-app pricing and subscription management
- Added support for Twitter
- Added support for Instagram